

Title Fight

Title Fight

“How Come We Have to Have the Girl Coach?”



Something Smells. Must Be Those Confederate Street Signs.

How to Hospital

There’s No Point in Depriving Yourself When Things Already Suck

Papa Don’t Preach

Put Away That Cell Phone or Ernest Hemingway Will Punch You in the Face

Not Healthy

Not Healthy. Not Caring. Not Even a System.

Broken Bad

A few months after he graduated from college, a friend crashed his bike one evening as he raced down a trail near Charlottesville. He suffered a life-altering spinal cord injury, but as those injuries go, he was fairly lucky: He retained full use of his upper body and partial use of his legs, and despite fears that he’d never ride again, he went on to become an Olympic para-cyclist. He was also fortunate in another way: Before his accident, his dad had bought him a short-term health insurance policy.



Three Stories and a Joke